
May 8th Fear(less) Chat Featuring Vera Jones!

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Welcome to WEEK 1 of the Fear(less) Chat Series!

My guest this week is Vera Jones – Womens basketball ESPN analyst, former Syracuse basketball player, author and motivational speaker.


(1) What word or phrase from back in the day should be brought back?

(2) Who would play you in a movie of your life?

(3) What character trait of yours has gotten you in trouble the most?

Not sure what Fear(less) Chats are? Check out the Fear(less) Chat intro video here.

Your turn! Take some time this week to participate in your own #FearlessChats!

It’s super easy: (1) ask someone to chat over video; (2) ask each other 3 unrehearsed questions; (3) maintain eye contact in silence for 2 minutes (yep, it’ll feel awkward); (4) talk about how your chat went! Where was the discomfort? What did you learn about each other and yourself?

THEN, post about your chat on social media with the hashtags #FearlessChats #FearlessChallenge.

Let’s get some conversations going!

Tags: Blog, coronavirus

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